Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28 :: Melaque, Mexico

January 28 :: Melaque, Mexico :: 112 km / 2555km total

Two flats slowed my morning ride, but the lack of hills made up for the tube changes. By mid-morning I entered the long 16km beach arc which is Manzanillo. Now, where's Tim? After some phone calls and email checking it seemed that his latest known plan was to be home in Toronto... tonight! That would mean an early morning bus ride out of Manzanillo well before I arrived here, in fact, I pictured him at the Air Canada desk in Puerto Vallarta, 300km away, trying to change his flight at the very moment I was struggling through the heat and beach traffic... so I pedalled through, only stopping for a quick lunch. I pushed on through the heat and some very minor hills to get to Melaque. Melaque, a rustic tourist town, happens to be a big Canadian snowbird hangout, and its quite the change to see as many gringos (Canadians no less!) wandering down the street as Mexicans. Lots of French being spoken, as well.

Upon checking email here it turns out that Tim was still in Manzanillo, after all! I had passed him without knowing or suspecting it. He's sick of some form, but in good hands - he's staying at Manzanillo's top, 5-star resort, and BEST of all, he has his mother there to take care of him! Talk about luxury upon luxury (for being sick, that is). There's little I can do for him, I think, that would improve upon his current situation, so I will continue forwards. Its 2 days of heat and hills for me to Puerto Vallarta, or a 4 hour bus ride for him.

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