Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3 :: Valladolid, Mexico

January 3 :: Valladolid, Mexico :: 154 km

At 5am we were out and cycling towards Valladolid! The early start was to try to avoid the midday heat. Tim and I were planning to ride the entire 153km to Valladolid; Dad would take a bus halfway, then start riding and wait for us at a designated meetingpoint. Tim and I pedalled consistently and steadily into the unwanted and unseasonable headwind, barely stopping for anything. After 40km we saw Dad go by, waving out the bus window - reassuring to see that the plan was unfolding without problems. As the heat started to rise we let off the pace a bit and sweated it out to Chemax, at 125km, where Dad was waiting for us. Now suffering a bit, we took a short break in town before heading out for the final 30km into Valladolid. Dad led the way, at a quick pace, as the tailwind finally rose. Mercifully we made it into town just past noon (not bad for 154km!) before the Sun got too severe. All of us are hurting a bit from the opening day's ride... it'll take 3-4 days to get into the rhythm, for sure.

Heading out from Cancun

Out the bus window - we're not in Kansas anymore!

Our hotel in Valladolid

A much-deserved lunch

Tim experimenting with the local cuisine - and his traveller's vaccine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

guys.. have fun on your trip! I see that Tim has cut his hair and is enjoying the local cuisine.. good luck with that too.. Graham, remember 2005 (or was it 2004?) ?